Adoption Ain't for the Faint-Hearted... Just the Big-Hearted.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year. New Chapter. New Blog.

Welcome to anyone associated with, or interested in, the adoption process. We are very excited to be starting 2010 with a new FSA chapter and a new blog. Hopefully, this blog will become a great resource for you to learn about, share your feelings regarding, and advocate adoption.

As this chapter develops, we plan to incorporate monthly adoptive couple spotlights, a calendar of events, and cover a new topic related to adoption each month, as well as continuing to post helpful links to other sites.

Please feel free to e-mail us at and let us know what resources you would like to see on this site, and what topics would be most beneficial for us to cover.

Adoption can certainly take you on a journey outside your comfort zone. FSA provides a place where you can connect with, and gain support from, others on the same journey.

Happy New Year!

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