Adoption Ain't for the Faint-Hearted... Just the Big-Hearted.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Together By Divine Design

Families Supporting Adoption
2010 National Conference

July 30 - 31st
Davis Conference Center
Layton, UT
Registration is $35.00 before July 1st and $40.00 afterwards.

There will be several wonderful breakout session throughout the conference covering a variety of topics for birth parents, adoptees, adoptive couples, and grandparents. Just a few of the session topics include:

Ask a birth parent panel
Birth father panel
Trans-racial adoption
Grief process for birth grandparents
Foster care
Open adoption
Closed adoption
Adoption law
Telling your children your adoption story
Adoption advocacy
Special needs

For more information, visit the national FSA blog at:

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